EVO3 Muscle Rub for Lupus
I have been using EVO3 products for awhile now, and I can say with full honesty that they are the best products I have found to help me manage the pain associated with my lupus. I have tried many other ‘remedies’ to help conquer the pain from the chronic inflammation from the rheumatoid arthritis I have developed as a symptom of my lupus. I have had this condition since the mid 70’s and nothing has been able to either mask or take away the pain. When John suggested I try his products, I was skeptical, of course. I’ve tried so many products that didn’t work, that i thought ‘ok, sure, I’ll add this to the others’. Much to my surprise, within minutes of using the Muscle Rub, I had absolutely NO PAIN!!! And that wonderful sensation of being pain free lasted around 18 hours! I can not say enough about the pain relieving powers of this fabulous product. I am going to try all the other EVO3 products I can find. I strongly suggest that you do, too.
-Nancy Vella
EVO3 CBD Pet Drops for Cat Pain Management
One of my cats got her eye scratched in a play fight with her brother. The vet let me know she had an ulcer over 1/3 of her eye and she seemed to be in a lot of pain. I was sent home with a sad little kitty wearing a cone and medicated eye drops that she needed to have put in every 2 hours.
I gave her 2.5mg of CBD from EVO3 twice a day for the pain. About 30 minutes after giving her CBD she would doze off and nap through most of the day. The CBD also seemed to really help with the stress of wearing the cone and getting the drops too. By day 7 she was still letting me handle her to put drops in her eye. I am so glad I had a bottle of CBD on hand for this. I don’t think she would have been so calm without it. Thank you EVO3 for helping KitKat get through that week!
-Cristina M
CBD Oil For Pets
EVO3 3000mg Extra Strength Full Spectrum CBD Oil for Chronic Back Pain
After suffering a sports injury years ago, I had finally accepted that my chronic lower back pain was here to stay. Many days I couldn’t even bend over enough to put on my own socks. That was until I was handed a bottle of Evo3 3000mg CBD oil by a great friend. Within three days my inflammation, stiffness, and pain was almost gone, and by seven days I was touching my toes with ease, pain-free! Easily one of the best decisions I have ever made!
-Scott Bickell
EVO3 CBD Oil + Muscle Rub for Arthritis and Anxiety
The lotion is really a lifesaver on my fingers with arthritis. I have been using the drops and honestly believe they are helping with anxiety and maybe some with my depression. I want to give it more time before I make a definite decision on the depression but I’m happy with both products.
Thank you so much and if I need refills I’ll know where to go.
-Susan Wright
EVO3 Full Spectrum CBD Oil for Chronic Pain Management
I was in a motorcycle accident due to someone pulling out in front of me, while on there phone. I continue to struggle with two broken elbows for the past year. As a barber, I continuously work with my arms and nighttime is always rough. I was skeptical when I first started using EVO3 full spectrum CBD oils, but I continue to use to this date. Being skeptical, I got on and off of the EVO3 CBD oils. I can honestly say that while on the full spectrum CBD oils It gave me great relief both day and night. When I did not use it I had pain in my elbow joints, which have been replaced with titanium. I then became a huge supporter of EVO3 full spectrum CBD oils on how it’s provided healing in my body. I do not believe in opioid related medications or too many ibuprofen tablets. True story from a believer in this product.
-Rick the Barber
EVO3 3000mg Extra Strength Full Spectrum CBD Oil for Anxiety and Sleep
The EVO3 CBD oil is Fantastic!
Thank you sooo very much! The EVO3 3000mg full spectrum CBD has made a huge difference in my life. I am no longer taking my anti-anxiety medication.
This product really does the trick. My sleep habits have gotten much better and the aches and pains that come along with age are now bearable. I super support this product, especially for people who want to get on a path to a healthier pharmaceutical free life.
-Chrissi Gonzalez
EVO3 CBD Oil for Sleep
Thanks for introducing me to EVO3 full spectrum CBD oils.
My headaches are gone and I sleep through the night. My body aches are gone and my stress level is pretty much non-existent. I would recommend this product confidently for anyone who is weary of pharmaceutical drugs. It’s really made a difference in my life.
-Fernando Ybarbo
EVO3 CBD Oil + Muscle Rub for Lupus and Anxiety
I began using Evo3 CBD oils and lotion about four months ago, and It has altogether changed my quality of life. I was diagnosed with SLE Lupus about three years ago. I was consistently in terrible pain, had awful brain fog, fatigue, and anxiety. After about five days of using the oil, I noticed a massive surge in my energy levels. My overall pain also diminished. However, it wasn’t until about a month into using this product that I noticed the best benefit of using Evo3 CBD oil; my anxiety virtually disappeared! I have been able to nearly thoroughly ween off my anxiety medication. I use the 3000 mg twice daily; one dropper in the morning and one dropper at night. The night dosage allows me to sleep like a baby. Granted, I still have minor aches and pains. For that, I use the lotion topically, and it gives me targeted relief for several hours. I can honestly say that Evo3 CBD products have indeed been life changing!
-Carlie S.
EVO3 3000mg CBD Oil for Dementia Symptom Management
Hello, I would like to share some information about EVO3 CBD oils; my husband was diagnosed with early stages of Dementia 11 months ago and was given Aracep medication to help with his symptoms.
The medication only made his symptoms worse, along with stomach aches, dizziness and more confusion. I took him to see a neurologist last month in March 2019, and it was confirmed through an MRI that he has frontal temporal Dementia and was prescribed more meds. We opted to try the EVO3 CBD oils instead of prescription drugs.
My husband has his quality of life back, he’s more like himself, It gave him energy to enjoy life, without promoting depression. He has no dizziness, stomach pains or confusion and it has grounded him mentally, so that he can think for himself.
We know that his disease is terminal because there is no cure for Dementia, but by taking the EVO3 CBD oils, he been able to achieve clarity.
I myself, being his caregiver, also take EVO3 CBD oils, because I was under a tremendous amount of stress, to the point, I was headed towards having a stroke.
Now I’m able to think clearly, because it took the edge off me, while I’m making long time life decisions for the both of us.
To anyone who needs help physically, mentally, etc. we highly recommend EVO3 CBD oils, because it has made our lives healthier and happier.
In no way, shape or form was I paid to endorse this product. I am here to give an account on how miraculous EVO3 CBD oils are.
Thanks and live well.
-Cynthia Gutierrez
EVO3 CBD Oil for Arthritis
EVO3 CBD oils had worked great for the arthritis and inflammation in my hands.
After using EVO3 CBD oils for a few weeks, it even helped with the inflammation in my aching joints with my feet and legs, that come from prolonged sitting. I would highly recommend EVO3 CBD oils to anyone who has arthritis, swelling and aching joints.
I’m living proof that EVO3 CBD oils really work.
-Walter Ybarbo JR